
Cholera is endemic in the Philippines. Through a grant from UPM-NIH, investigators from ICHHD, together with the Philippines’ Department of Health and Johns Hopkins University, collated and analyzed available surveillance data from the country from 2008-2013. The findings in this study as well as heat maps showing areas where suspected and confirmed cholera cases were published in 2015. The maps are useful in identifying areas that may be targeted for future control efforts.

Although clean water and sanitation are the mainstays for cholera control, the World Health Organization has recommended the use of oral cholera vaccines (OCVs) as an additional measure against cholera. Since 2001, OCVs have been available internationally; however, the cost of the vaccine made it only available for travelers from developed countries going to cholera-endemic countries. With the availability of newer, lower-cost OCVs, the vaccines became more widely available even to lower- and middle-income countries where cholera remains a problem. In 2014, in collaboration with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, the ICHHD organized a workshop aimed at providing information on how OCV can become a part of an integrated response for cholera control.

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