vaccine study group (VSG)

head convener: Lulu C. Bravo, M.D.


Vaccination is a critical public health issue and essential in global health. The mission and vision of the Vaccine Study Group (VSG) are focused on translating research on vaccines and vaccine-preventable diseases into actions that improve vaccine coverage across the Philippines, ultimately reducing childhood morbidity and mortality.

The VSG was originally known as the EPI study group when the National Institutes of Health (NIH) was founded and formally launched on February 13, 1998. In 2006, when the study groups were placed under the various institutes of NIH, the VSG chose to be with the Institute of Child Health and Human Development (ICHHD). Its main objectives are to support and justify the inclusion of new vaccines in the Philippine National Immunization Program (NIP) through research, training, and information dissemination.

Aside from conducting research, the VSG is involved in vaccine advocacy through initiatives such as organizing vaccinology courses, leading vaccination missions, and raising awareness of the benefits of vaccination,


The VSG has conducted studies supportive of the National Immunization Program, focusing on the epidemiology of pneumococcal disease (2005-2007), rotavirus (2007-2008), and norovirus (2015-2016). Additionally, vaccine trials under VSG include research on influenza vaccines (2010-present), inactivated polio vaccine (2016-present), and dengue vaccine (2016-present).

Other studies led by the VSG include vaccines for Japanese encephalitis, meningococcal disease, and rabies. These studies were conducted as multi-site studies in collaboration with various institutions, including the Research Institute of Tropical Medicine (RITM), hospitals, and academic partners such as the Mary Chiles Hospital and the University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center, Inc. (UERM).

advocacy partners

The VSG partners with the Philippine Foundation for Vaccination (PFV) to raise awareness about the importance of vaccination. In addition, the VSG partners with various local and international organizations on various vaccination projects and programs. These include government agencies such as the Department of Health (DOH) and the World Health Organization (WHO); medical societies like the Pediatric Infectious Disease Society of the Philippines (PIDSP), Philippine Pediatric Society (PPS), and the Philippine Society for Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (PSMID); as well as regional organizations such as Immunization Partners in Asia Pacific (IPAP) and the Asian Society for Pediatric Infectious Disease (ASPID).

The VSG continues to conduct research on vaccine development in various clinical phases, the epidemiology of vaccine-preventable diseases, and the health economics of new vaccines. These studies are aimed at supporting the expansion of vaccine coverage in the country, ultimately improving the health and well-being of people.